Chemical & Petrochemical

ManufacturersContract Blending and FillingPrivate Brand Labels National and Regional warehouses

The design and construction of a chemical warehouse should consider possible loss scenarios that may affect employees, the surrounding population, the environment, the warehouse building, and business continuity. Protection and mitigation features should be consistent with the characteristics of the materials stored, environmental and population vulnerability, and potential natural perils.

Warehouse operations can be effective, provided warehouse design, layout, infrastructure, processes, staff and safety norms, transportation is appropriate to the requirements and also safe. Chemical Warehouse Safety is to be ensured, so that safety is always maintained, while storing and handling chemicals, many of which are hazardous. For accomplishing the necessary requirements, these functions should satisfy the desired parameters.

The warehouse design should aim at desired utility of space, orderly layout, safe product storage according to hazard, safe warehouse operations, emergency handling, and security of warehouse.

The most important part of the design is the concept of inherently safe design, such as creating a stable building constructed for built in protection. This should cover design of walls, floor, roof, ventilation, retention water catchment basins, fire walls, fire doors, etc. The layout should take care of product storage, loading/unloading, parking, utility, safety equipment, welfare facilities.

Product storage plays an important role, as product characteristics may have health, safety, and environmental hazards. Hazardous chemicals improperly stored and handled in the warehouse, can cause fire or explosion resulting in injury of personnel at site, as well as the neighbouring areas and loss of property inside the warehouse and outside. An understanding of hazards and associated risks will help in selecting better control measures. The potential safety and, health and environmental impacts can be prevented by implementing control measures in the early design stage. The Globally harmonized system (GHS) hazard class can guide hazardous product storage. GHS also guides labelling and hazard communication which helps in identifying hazards and appropriate handling measures.

In light of the above, our designs focus on optimising space by improving capacity utilisation through efficient integration of man, material and machine flows which are aligned with existing infrastructure while improving productivity and process efficiency. This is possible through introduction of suitable storage system mix which is derived based on the client’s SKU(s) and their storage requirements supported by correctly specified and sourced material handling equipment, conveying systems and economical and feasible mechanisation / automation.

Flooring is one of the most important and integral elements of a warehouse. We have a thorough understanding of the flooring requirements of the industry which enables us to design the floor based on actual point loads, abrasion resistance, drainage arrangements and hygiene requirements for warehouses.

CASE STUDYChemical Storage Warehouse

